“Inspirational Stories from Other Women”

Courtney’s Story
Courtney was athletic before and during her first pregnancy, running, lifting and working as a pediatric nurse in NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). She tells me her story of worsening pain after return to more strenuous exercise when her baby was 6 to 7 months of age, making it difficult to even walk. Her mother-in-law, a physical therapist, gave her a copy of my book, "Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy & Postpartum," 2020 and followed the method to determine which of the pelvic balancing exercises she needed to do. Within 2 weeks she had returned to her exercise program.
Dana’s Story
Dana was in 3 rear-ended car accidents within a couple of years. She experienced "massive" amounts of pain all over her body. She was also under a great deal of stress with the loss of her father, taking care of her mother who lived 1 hour away, and stress at work as a teacher. Dana tells her story of her treatments, including knee surgery, her finding my book "Sacroiliac Pain" upon recommendation of a friend, and how the exercises immediately improved her pain. Her chiro was impressed. He wanted the information on the book/author and to actually see Dana show him the exercise she felt was most beneficial.
Danielle’s Story
Danielle is a mother of 2 beautiful girls, 2 years 4 months apart, ages 3 and 8 months. Danielle played Division 1 Soccer at Cleveland State University and so has a very athletic history! She shares her story of low back and pelvic girdle pain, sciatica, and periods of incontinence, and what she did to drastically improve her symptoms. She used exercises and information in my book, "Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy and Postpartum," and reports she is so much better, like night and day!
Kelly’s Story
Kelly is a high school teacher who shared her story of sciatica and pelvic girdle pain with me. Her baby is 2 years old now, and she reflects back on how it affected her day to day in a negative way, taking sometimes 2-3 minutes to roll over in bed. She mentioned it at her OB visits, but the concern was centered around her gestational diabetes, diet, and celiac disease. Her pain continued to get worse. Her mom talked to me (she is my niece!) and I saw her immediately for 1 visit. I assessed her using the method I developed, and is in my books, the PGM Method (pelvic girdle musculoskeletal method). She said in this interview, "I got immediately better" with doing the exercises. She reports wearing the sacroiliac belt in the evenings which also gave her relief. After her baby was born, she did have some pain return, and went back to the exercises.
Jacqui’s Story
My problem began after falling off my bike at the end of March. I started my recovery towards the end of April due to not being able to move without a lot of pain. Once I could move I tried many things. My whole body needed work . The right shoulder and the left hip were my main problem areas. I went to a shoulder specialist and found out how to manage this area and had positive results. My hip area was very painful and I went to a osteopath. The relief was only temporary, but I was on the right track. The right exercise was what I needed. This was when I found Debbies book. Mid July, and my pain was relieved straight away just with the correct exercise and understanding how it all worked. (I am still working on strengthening this area and it is now a case of me managing my injury.) After reading this book and understanding my problem I was able to do the exercises to relieve my pain. I have now worked out what is best for me and can relieve my pain very quickly with just a few movements . I am also putting the exercises into my everyday life and having very positive results. Thank you Debbie for putting this book together. I have found it very useful.
Gail’s Story
Gail Connors, a physical therapist assistant, shares her story of SI pain (sacroiliac pain) and hip bursitis that stopped her from being an avid athlete for close to a year. Her pain began during her training for a 1/2 marathon, continuing to grow worse despite all attempts at treating herself, getting input from her PT friends, and stopping all her athletic activities. She attributes being pain free to following the advice and exercise program in my book, "Sacroiliac Pain," following it exclusively.
Christine’s Story
Christine Handy's story is pretty incredible. She takes us on a brief journey of some of the things that have happened to her medically. She has had complications with colon surgery, a wrist injury that through months of chronic infection/pain resulted in a fusion of her right hand, and breast cancer with "4" mastectomies, again with complications/infections. Of course the emotional, spiritual and relationship issues are immense.
She talks about what she does to deal with chronic pain, the daily challenges, and how she has turned her life into meaning by being an inspiration to others. She does this through her best-selling book, "Walk Beside Me", her motivational speaking, her IG platform @christinehandy1 just to mention a few.