What is Pelvic Girdle Pain?


You are not alone

The vast majority of women by the third trimester of pregnancy will have back or pelvic girdle pain (up to 75%!). That doesn't make it OK, I know. But it is a reason many healthcare providers do not address these complaints, because "it comes with being pregnant" and will "get better after the baby is born."

But what about for RIGHT NOW? And what if you have had your baby and you STILL are having pain??

Here I talk about exactly what is pelvic girdle pain.

You can have pelvic girdle pain along with other problems, like pressure or bulging in your pelvic floor (indicating POP or pelvic organ prolapse), leaking urine/feces/gas, painful intercourse, bulging or doming in your abdomen (indicating diastasis recti abdominis or DRA). I will refer to these in my exercise blog.

I am a physical therapist who has concentrated in women's health for my career. You can see my biography profiled at my publisher, OPTP.com here. (https://www.optp.com/blog/PROfiles-Deborah-Riczo)

What can You do?

Here is my LIST which is definitely NOT in order of importance which I discuss in other blogs on this site.

How important each one depends on you, your situation, your body, and your life up to this point. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook @RiczoHealthEducation for updated information, exercises and tips!

1️⃣ Exercises

2️⃣ Change your positions often during the day

3️⃣ Wear shoes with support. Even when in your home!

4️⃣ Pain with sleeping? Check out the age of your mattress

5️⃣ Wear a supportive bra!

6️⃣ Try a maternity and/or sacroiliac belt or compression shorts

7️⃣ Eat healthy and be aware of pregnancy "no-no's"

8️⃣ Take care of yourself

It is OK to focus on you. You CAN take steps to improve your overall health and functioning.

Knowledge is power, but only if you ACT on it!

For more great information, exercises and tips and a step-by-step approach to your pain:

Get your copy NOW —-"Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy and Postpartum" 2020 at  OPTP.com or Amazon.com.

Deborah B. Riczo, PT, DPT, MEd Confidential Property of Deborah B. Riczo ©2020 Riczo Health Education. Not to be duplicated in any way without express consent of Deborah B. Riczo